Ellen Barone

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On Living Home-Loose: A Q&A with the Executive Speakers Bureau

In 2011, my husband, Hank, and I decided to temporarily inhabit different countries because we wanted to know more about the world — the people, languages, foods, customs, etc.. Our goal was to wander and discover. And, what we discover still surprises and inspires us.

In the three years, nine months and fourteen days that we've been away, we've seen the best of humanity and the worst. We've found bravery and failure. We left expecting to find a new home but instead, our experiences have revealed something much more elusive, a most unexpected home. A home we'd never considered until we no longer had one. 

A few weeks ago my representative at the Executive Speakers Bureau emailed to ask if I'd answer a few questions about our nomadic lifestyle for their blog. I was honored by the opportunity and if my replies to the following questions would be relevant or useful to you, please click here to read the full interview.  

How did you come to the decision to move abroad?

How did you take it from an idea to making it a reality?

How did you approach the “leap of faith” as far as taking the plunge and jumping across the “no turning back” point?

What led you to choose the specific places you’ve lived and visited?

Are there any favorites among the places you’ve lived?

What are some of the adjustments that you made living “home-loose”?

What tips do you have for anyone traveling abroad?

How are speaking engagements different overseas vs. in the U.S.?

Any advice for people who aspire to run a business from abroad?

What about you? Have you made a major life change? I encourage you to use the comment box below to share your insights, information and inspiration.